Back To School Central

It's Back to School (aka BTS) time! Are you ready? If not, check out the pages below for ideas and inspiration to make those first weeks days and weeks exciting and memorable.

The more preparation you can do ahead of time, the less stressed you'll be during those first weeks. Try to organize materials, write lesson plans, and decorate your classroom as far ahead of time as possible. I even like to prepare all of my dinners for the first week beforehand, then freeze. When I get home during that crazy first week, I just reheat and eat! :)

Are you ready to get started?

Back to School Anxiety

Is your child having those jitters before school starts? Find out how to calm those fears with these 12 Tips!

BTS Bulletin Boards

Get your classroom new students-ready by decorating with welcoming bulletin boards. Ideas and information here.

BTS Theme

This page is filled with all sorts of learning center ideas, snack ideas, and more!

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