Gods Family
Christian Preschool Curriculum Review

This stand-alone teacher's guide is designed to be used with preschool-aged students. The introductory materials include notes on the Bible in the Christian School; the series' aims & goals; memory work; resources, and an overview. Each lesson features a Bible reference; a "To the Teacher" note; lesson highlights; preparation/material lists; background information; and a step-by-step lesson that features instructions, questions, and a scripture link. Student activities feature multiple options, and enrichment ideas provide different ways of extending the lesson. Blackline masters are included. 340 pages, three-ring-punched, loose-leaf. An approximately 3.25" binder is included to store the pages, and comes with 13 labeled dividers for the introductory materials and each unit. 2nd Edition. 

Gods Family Christian Preschool Curriculum Details

639484: God"s Family (Preschool) Teacher"s Guide: The Story of God and His People God's Family (Preschool) Teacher's Guide: The Story of God and His People
By Rachelle Wiersma / Christian Schools International

This stand-alone teacher's guide is designed to be used with preschool-aged students. The introductory materials include notes on the Bible in the Christian School; the series' aims & goals; memory work; resources, and an overview. Each lesson features a Bible reference; a "To the Teacher" note; lesson highlights; preparation/material lists; background information; and a step-by-step lesson that features instructions, questions, and a scripture link. Student activities feature multiple options, and enrichment ideas provide different ways of extending the lesson. Blackline masters are included. 340 pages, three-ring-punched, loose-leaf. An approximately 3.25" binder is included to store the pages, and comes with 13 labeled dividers for the introductory materials and each unit. Grades 9-12. 2nd Edition. Preschool.

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